Sticky Sliding Door Weighing You Down? Repair May Be the Answer!

After a long, blistering summer in the Phoenix area, relatively comfortable temperatures are finally appearing on the horizon. With the summer months slowly beginning to melt into autumn, homeowners are seeking to bridge the gap between indoors and outdoors. Sliding glass doors — also known as Arcadia doors — successfully create a barely noticeable barrier…

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Slide Your Way into Spring with Door Repair

A new spring is just around the corner, and transitioning from the cooler winter months is usually pretty easy.  However, there are always some little repairs that can fall through the cracks if you’re not thinking about it.  This can happen because of holiday rushes, different priorities in the winter, or because it simply slips…

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DCS Industries on Sliding Door Repair

Google Sliding glass doors are extremely common in the state of Arizona. Flat backyards mean great patios, and sliding doors provide easy access to this outdoor living space. However, as time passes these doors can become incredibly difficult to open, requiring more brute strength than most of us feel like expending when we just want…

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DCS Industries, LLC Announces the CAL Double Bolt Lock to Product Line

DCS Industries, LLC in Phoenix, AZ is proud to announce the addition of CAL Double Bolt Locks to their selection of home and pool safety products. According to the manufacturer, “The CAL Double-Bolt Lock works by securing the door to the frame at two security points and preventing any movement of the door. With its…

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