Sticky Sliding Door Weighing You Down? Repair May Be the Answer!

After a long, blistering summer in the Phoenix area, relatively comfortable temperatures are finally appearing on the horizon. With the summer months slowly beginning to melt into autumn, homeowners are seeking to bridge the gap between indoors and outdoors. Sliding glass doors — also known as Arcadia doors — successfully create a barely noticeable barrier…

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Slide Your Way into Spring with Door Repair

A new spring is just around the corner, and transitioning from the cooler winter months is usually pretty easy.  However, there are always some little repairs that can fall through the cracks if you’re not thinking about it.  This can happen because of holiday rushes, different priorities in the winter, or because it simply slips…

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DCS Industries, LLC ~ Sliding Door Roller Replacement is the Solution!

When a sliding door becomes difficult to open, many people just try to ignore it because they think the doors will have to be replaced, which is obviously a costly project. Those of us who know sliding doors well know that we can make life simpler for you by replacing the rollers and locks on…

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